Archived Copies of Policies & Procedures

1. AAC Trials Policy

None - this document has not been updated since original approval.

2. Booking Calendar Policy

None - this document has not been updated since original approval.

3. Code of Conduct

  1. Markup Code of Conduct v1.0 to v1.1

  2. Code of Conduct v1.0 - obsoleted Dec-2024

5. Event Proposal Process

None - this document has not been updated since original approval.

6. Incident Management Procedure 

  1. Incident Management Procedure, v1.1 - replaced Dec-2024

  2. Incident Management Procedure, v1.0 - replaced May-2024

7. Instructor Handbook

  1. Instructor Handbook.  Last update Oct-2023

8. Harassment Policy 

None - this document has not been updated since the original approval. 

10. Paws4Fun AAC Ribbon Book

None - this document has not been updated since original approval.

11. HST Tracking Process

None - this document has not been updated since original approval.

12. SOP for Document Control

None - this document has not been updated since original approval.

13. SOP for Email Voting

None - this document has not been updated since original approval.

14. SOP for Handling Board Position Nominations

None - this document has not been updated since original approval.

15. SOP for Handling Title Rosettes

None - this document has not been updated since original approval.

16. SOP for Review of Membership and Entries to Events, and Restricted Participants List

  1. SOP for Review of Membership and Entries to Events v1.0 - replaced June-2023

  2. Restricted Participants List v2.0 - replaced June-2024

  3. Restricted Participants List v1.0 - replaced April-2024

17. Standard Waiver & Release

  1. Paws4Fun Standard Waiver & Release.  Updated April-2024

OBSOLETE - Paws4Fun Covid Safety Plan

  1. Covid Safety Plan v3.0 - obsoleted May-2024

  2. Covid Safety Plan v2.0 - replaced March-2022

  3. Covid Safety Plan v1.0 - replaced April-2021