Kathleen MacTavish will take on the role of Training Manager beginning 1-Nov. This is a Coordinator position which will exist until the Training Director position comes up for election at the 2025 AGM. until that time Kathleen will run the training program, and there will be no Training Director appointed.
The CARO Coordinator has stepped down, and no one has volunteered to fill that position, the primary role of which was to run Sanctioned CARO Trials and Fun Matches. This position will be retired, and removed from the web site. Paws4Fun will no longer host CARO Trials, unless a member steps forward to organize an event, or to be CARO Coordinator.
Paws4Fun will continue to sell CARO ribbons to people who request to buy them until the current supply of ribbons is exhausted, and as long as there is a member willing to handle the task for preparing, shipping and billing.
The Board of Directors Terms of Reference (ToR) document has been updated to require that all club data and documents (e.g. corporate documents, processes and procedures, trial premiums, registration and entry forms, emails) be stored on either club owned devices or club owned online databases.
The Training Director is looking into sources for new puppy contact equipment to purchase.
The Webmaster is going to present a new design of business cards to the Board for design and review.
The equipment will be put into storage for the winter, and the fields closed down on Saturday 2-Nov.
The policy on bitches-in-season (BIS) for classes, workshops and seminars at Paws4Fun will be the same as the Paws4Fun AAC Trials policy, so that students are training for the same environment in which they will trial at Paws4Fun.