For general information about your class and a list of what to bring click here.

Foundations / Puppy Foundations

This course is an introduction to agility and the skills required to build a run and successful agility team. Contents covered will include relationship building. impulse control. body awareness, attention / focus and introduction to obstacles.

Beginner 1

This course provides a further introduction to obstacles, short tunnel, jumps, puppy A-frame, puppy dog walk, table, low teeter. Handlers will continue to work on communication and dog will work on improving their focus. Teams will be completing a sequence of 3 to 6 obstacles by the end of this course. A foundations course is highly recommended prior to taking Beginner 1.

Beginner 2

This course will work with teams to continue their positive training and handlers become aware of their positioning in reference to their dog while further improving their handling techniques. Obstacles used will include: tunnel, jumps, tire, A-frame, dog walk, table, low teeter and begin to work on weaves. Teams will be completing a sequence of 6 to 8 obstacles by the end of this course. The Beginner 1 course or equivalent (as approved by instructor) is required prior to taking Beginner 2.


This course will work with teams to continue to advance their handling skills with the successful integration of front, blind and rear crosses in their routines. Obstacle related skills will include the addition of tunnel entrance from backside, A-frame at full height, dog walk at full height, teeter from half height to full height, and continued progress of weaves, and jumps. Teams will be completing a sequence of 8 to 10 obstacles by the end of this course. The Beginner 2 course or equivalent (as approved by instructor) is required prior to taking Pre-starter.


This course will work with teams to continue to advance their handling skills with the introduction to threadles, K-turns and serpentines. By the end of this course starter dogs will be able to complete all obstacles at full height including 2 on 2 off behaviour for contact equipment. Handlers will be introduced to snooker and gambler so that they are prepared for competition, if desired. Teams will be competing full courses of 12 to 16 obstacles by the end of this course. The Pre-starter course or equivalent (as approved by instructor) is required prior to taking Starter. 

AAC Snooker & Gambler Tamed, Multi-level

This session of classes aims to provide handlers with the means to tackle and plan their approach to Agility Association of Canada (AAC) snooker and gambler courses. Each week students will be provided with a course map. The handler will be required to prepare a course plan at home prior to each class. During the session the rules of both snooker and gambler will be explained and handlers should become comfortable with planning an approach to the course suitable for their team. This multi-level session of classes would be appropriate for teams looking to compete at any of the three levels. The dog should be comfortable performing all the obstacles except perhaps one. The handler should know some handling techniques such as crosses and have a sense of their dog's handler-obstacle focus ratio

Canine Hoopers 1

This course will provide an introduction to Canine Hoopers where dogs navigate a course of hoops, tunnels, barrels, and a flat "contact" board. Hoopers has a focus on distance challenges, with different boxes the handler stands in to send their dog to obstacles. The obstacles for Hoopers have been chosen to make the sport as low impact as possible which makes it a great sport for senior and disabled dogs, as well as extra large and extra small dogs, and dogs who are not built for jumping. The courses are designed to be flowing, and tight turns are not allowed.

Canine Hoopers 2

This course will provide provide further instruction in Canine Hoopers where doss navigate a course of hoops, tunnels, barrels, and a flat "contact" board. Hoopers has a focus on distance challenges, with different boxes the handler stands in to send their dog to obstacles. The obstacles for Hoopers have been chosen to make the sport as low impact as possible which makes it a great sport for senior and disabled dogs, as well as extra large and extra small dogs, and dogs who are not built for jumping. The courses are designed to be flowing, and tight turns are not allowed. This course is appropriate for students who have completed Canine Hoopers 1.

Agility Supervised Practice

This 1-hour practice is supervised by an experienced agility instructor who will set up a specific course each week. Participants will be able to run the course as numbered or work on specific skills using the equipment as needed, without moving it. The Pre-starter course or equivalent (as approved by instructor) is required prior to taking agility supervised practice.

Hoopers Supervised Practice

This 1-hour practice is supervised by an experienced hoopers instructor who will set up a specific course each week. Participants will be able to run the course as numbered or work on specific skills using the equipment as needed, without moving it. Basic knowledge of hoopers equipment is required prior to taking hoopers supervised practice.