K9 Kup
K9 Kup is a series of four mock agility trials held monthly from June until September. Standard, Gamblers and Jumpers will alternate with Standard, Snooker and Steeplechase on K9 Kup Sundays.
2025 dates: June 19, July 27, August 31, Sept 21
Teams will be split into three divisions that will run concurrently.
Overall placement ribbons 1st to 5th will be presented at the last K9 Kup Sunday.
Modified AAC Starter judging will be used.
Refusals will not be faulted.
Rules & Levels
General briefing and courses will be sent out the day before to Captains, posted on the website and on the FB K9 Kup group.
There will not be a check-in.
Results will be posted on the website and on the FB K9 Kup group a week after the event.
Subject to provincial guidelines at time of event.
Volunteers - please go to the <page coming in April 2025> to volunteer for 2025 events
Once a dog has qualified in two advanced Standards, they are ineligible to compete at the K9 Kup.
Bitches in season cannot compete.
FEO runs are not offered.
Weekend Schedule: